Sergei Badeka, Director of Business Development at Redrock Biometrics, discusses the benefits of palm-based identification to authenticate users. The following is a transcript of our interview with him.

3E: Can you state your name, title, and the company you’re here to represent?

SB: My name is Sergei Badeka. I’m with Redrock Biometrics, and I’m the director of business development.

3E: What makes Redrock Biometrics unique?

SB: At Redrock Biometrics, we provide a biometric solution that’s completely touchless based on users’ palm print. Any device that has a camera will suffice. All we need there’s a very simple picture that any camera can do nowadays. So with face, face is three-dimensional. You need really good lighting for face. I think the best false acceptance rate for face is 1 per 1 million users, which is great. But with palm, you’re getting 1 per 20 million users, and the light from the screen is sufficient enough for it to work. Where again, with face, you need really, really good illumination. So we have a product that’s ready now that could be downloaded with Epson Moverio. It is used to lock the screen for a user, and all the user has to do is show their palm to the device, and they will be granted access to all the apps on that device. It could be integrated for other devices, as well. We provide two SDKs: one that’s standalone, one that is server-based. So if you have multiple devices, all you have to do is enroll in one of your devices, and that’ll grant you access on everything else.

3E: Can you provide a specific use case example?

SB: We are working with a client that’s in the automotive industry. They were originally trying to use facial recognition software for biometrics, but the thing with face is that its presence readily available. So you can go on somebody’s Facebook, and download a picture of them, and use their face to do whatever you want. With palm, it actually shows intent, so with this particular client, when a user gets inside their vehicle, they can just show their palm to the camera, and for example, the door will unlock.

3E: What have you seen at VRX that excites you and why?

SB: A lot of companies were looking for a way to train their employees that are based remote using virtual reality. For them, they look at it as cost savings. Instead of flying all the employees in, they are able to do remotely, and also they’re able to track who signs in, who doesn’t sign in. We’re hoping to implement our PalmID solution with those companies in order for them to authorize and authenticate their users.