There are all kinds of useful applications for augmented reality in autonomous vehicles, both which are on the horizon to be part of daily life. AR could be used to show passengers what the car is “seeing” on the road, which would help the passenger feel comfortable in the transition period to fully self-driving vehicles. Down the road, AR could also be used for media or advertising on the road. Apple is of course on the frontlines, recently filing a patent to provide AR in autonomous vehicles. Are you ready to give up driving yet??

A new patent filing discovered by AppleInsider shows how Apple could merge the two technologies into one, or at least use AR to support the passengers in an autonomous vehicle.

A good visualization of what the system could provide is shown in one of the patent drawings. The image shows how the AR display could trace out and provide information on things of interest that are currently out of view, such as the path that the road takes behind some trees or buildings.  Apple patent shows how its self-driving car and AR projects could merge – BGR


Apple’s patent for augmented reality in autonomous vehicles