According to a post on his Twitter account, Nat Brown, former engineer for Valve’s virtual reality (VR) team and co-creator of the original Xbox, announced that he has accepted a position at Apple. Though the full extent of his position is unclear, Brown said that he’d be focusing on “graphics” on Apple platforms.

Brown’s mention of how augmented reality (AR) and VR could directly counter the rumor earlier this month that Apple dissolved its AR glasses development team. However, Apple could be making a shift towards developing VR hardware instead, given that it’s made significant VR hires in the past with Jaunt founder Arthur van Hoff and Cyber Paint developer Sterling Crispin. There’s also the possibility that Apple could have Brown work on their Apple Arcade service given his history in the gaming industry.

However Brown’s position at Apple develops, we’ll be sure to keep a close eye and hear more soon.