Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) continue to grow in popularity around the world. It is projected by eMarketer that there will be 57.4 million people using VR and 90.9 people using AR at least once a month by 2021. This growth is fueled by advances in technology development and the lowering cost and higher quality of headsets being released.  VR statistics continue to grow positively and marketing teams have a great opportunity to focus their strategies on VR/AR and XR (extended reality) solutions.  

In a marketing campaign by Volvo, users were able to take a virtual test drive using Google Cardboard, which is hardware that converts your smartphone into a VR headset. The experience lets viewers feel like they are in the car, taking it for a drive. All the user has to do is unfold the piece of cardboard, attach it to their phone, and within less than a minute a full VR experience is launched on their device. This marketing strategy was successful for Volvo because it allowed their customers to experience in 3D, from their homes or on the go, what previously would have only been possible at a dealership.

There are many applications of VR marketing campaigns making it important for marketing strategists to show that VR is the platform, not the message. When used properly, VR allows audiences to live the story, not just observe it. Full immersion is a large part of VR technology. It not only gets the viewer’s attention, it allows marketers to have their audience’s full attention while they are immersed in the experience. There is little opportunity for distraction in VR. This is a huge benefit of VR marketing in a time where distractions from advertisements are plentiful. 

This kind of immersive interactive technology makes businesses stand out from the crowd. David Geer, from The Next Web says “In improving the way of engaging with customers, there is a higher probability of companies attaining improved sales.” While marketing is centered around creating and maintaining value for customers, it also is important for driving business and increasing sales. Integrating VR solutions into marketing strategies is a great opportunity for businesses to not only gain customers, but keep them engaged by setting themselves apart from the traditional marketing world.