During the F8 livestream, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the highly anticipated Oculus Quest (originally revealed at Oculus Connect 5 back in September) and Rift S (revealed earlier this year at GDC) virtual reality (VR) headsets are now available for pre-order for $399 each, with both headsets will be shipping out May 21st. Additionally, to get the Quest in as many hands as possible, Zuckerberg revealed that everyone at F8 will be getting a free Quest headset to take home with them.

Quest and Rift S will be going head to head with Valve’s Index headset, which aims to offer a high-fidelity PC VR that appears to out match Oculus’ offerings. However, the edge that Oculus has is a full month head-start on Valve, who is shipping the Index on June 28th.