Montreal-based virtual reality studio Felix & Paul Studios premiered their new series Space Explorers, a 360/Virtual Reality (VR) experience that brings viewers to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, telling the stories of what it takes to get there.

Co-directed by Felix & Paul Studios co-founders Félix Lajeunesse and Paul Raphaël, Space Explorers was created in conjunction with NASA, Roscosmos (Russia’s space agency), and leading private space transportation companies to cover the concept of space travel. The series launched at Sundance Film Festival in January, with Academy Award-winning actress Brie Larson lending her voice for narration.

“Not that many people get to go to space; it’s a very exclusive experience that is not available to many human beings,” said Lajeunesse. “But when you actually talk to astronauts about their journey and what they experienced in space, 100 percent of the time they talk about how transformative and profound that experience is for them, and how it gives them this very unique perspective on humanity. It’s almost like a spiritual experience. There’s this dichotomy between the power of the experience and the amount of people who can actually experience it. [With Space Explorers], you get to feel like you’re a participant in this journey. You get to be a space explorer yourself — that was the original desire and feeling.”

The second episode of the series, titled “Taking Flight”, looks at how space travel is evolving through international space programs and private partnerships. Using the studio’s state-of-the-art cameras and post-production facilities, the episode brings viewers up close and personal with astronauts, cosmonauts, and rocket launches in immersive fashion. It is currently available on the Oculus store.

What do you think about the future of 360/VR experiences? What other possibilities and stories could be explored? Sound off your responses in the comments below!


Montreal VR studio teams up with NASA, Russia to send you into space – Montreal Gazette