Join us at VRX! Sign up today and get 15% off (see info at bottom of post).

VRX: Immersive Enterprise 2018 (June 26-27, Boston) is the leading senior-level B2B event for executives from across industry looking at the business applications for immersive technology. Bringing together global business leaders from AEC, Automotive, Manufacturing, Engineering, Retail, Healthcare and more, VRX: Immersive Enterprise 2018 is purpose built for VR/AR professionals to network and share industry insights onhow to drive enterprise transformation with virtual & augmented reality.

DISCOVER REAL-WORLD ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS: Hear where immersive tech is having the biggest business impacts; with deep dive sessions on how it’s revolutionizing training, collaboration, design & visualization and customer engagement

OVERCOME INTERNAL BARRIERS TO ADOPTION: Front line insights on how to navigate the technological and cultural hurdles to incorporating mixed reality into workflows across multiple areas of your business

PROVEN CASE STUDIES SHOWCASING REAL RESULTS: Find out how to capitalize on right opportunities as business awareness of the wide applications of VR & AR increases

AR, VR – OR BOTH? Learn which is right for which applications – and how to make sure you don’t waste time and money finding out

PICKING THE RIGHT USE-CASES: Understand which technologies and platforms suit which purposes. And how to make sure you always pick the right applications for your business

TOOLS, APPLICATIONS & IMPLEMENTATION: Understand the tools available, best use-cases and methods of implementation for VR & AR across different industries

SCALING UP FOR SUCCESS: Overcome the challenges of scaling XR in your business. Find out how to drive projects from the lab to full-scale deployment

WHERE’S THE ROI? Get dozens of case examples of where VR & AR implementation is helping a whole variety of businesses improve productivity, drive efficiency gains and reduce errors

SIGN UP TODAY AND RECEIVE 15% OFF: Enter the code 3C15 to receive 15% off all passes when they register here: