Unity, C#, C++, SDK’s, API’s…if you’re not a programmer or software developer, there’s not really a reason for you to know any of these terms. Previously, if you had any interest in developing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, you had to be familiar with all of those terms and then some. Thankfully, there is new technology that allows extended reality (XR) to be developed right in the comfort of your browsers without being a programmer: welcome to WebXR.  

I have a background in graphic design, so I understand and geek out over emerging digital technologies. I was thrilled to learn about WebXR. A way for people like me who don’t have coding experience to develop extended reality? Sign me up! However, as I delve into my research, I am learning that there is a bit more to WebXR development than I first thought. 

To start, let’s define what the heck WebXR even is. WebXR is the process of developing virtual and augmented reality, but with web-based browsers and web-based coding. If you’re anything like me, coding is a frightening ogre, standing under a bridge yelling at you to keep out. Thankfully, in the age of information, there are all kinds of tools to teach skills like coding right from your couch. I am currently taking Intro to JavaScript through Udacity. This is a helpful course that is free and teaches you the foundations of web-based JavaScript coding. (Quick tip: save yourself some trouble and use the Chrome browser when taking this course.) Google Digital Garage also has hundreds of tech related classes that include JavaScript and Python basics. If either of those free resources aren’t exactly what you’re looking for, Coursera also has a plethora of courses, in addition to JavaScript and Python, that cover HTML and CSS. They are not all free of charge, but are another great option. Lastly, there is a specific course through Code Labs from Google Developers which teaches you the full process of building an augmented reality (AR) application using the WebXR Device API (application programming interface). It walks you through all the steps necessary to accomplish this process.  

Once you have the foundations of web-based code under your belt is when you will get into the actual development. In my research while teaching myself about these technologies, I have gathered a list of resources that I found helpful, and hopefully can be beneficial to you as you start on your journey of WebXR development. There are many WebXR software tools that exist, but I am just going to cover the ones I found to be most user-friendly and helpful for coding newbies. All you need is a computer, time, and some determination. 

  1. Roar AR development:  

This is basically a drag and drop SaaS (software as a service) AR development software. There is no code needed for basic development. This would be helpful for small and large businesses to improve marketing and design strategies, in a simple way. 

  1. 8th Wall: 

This WebAR software is a more code-based option, but still simplifies the process for those who have a basic understanding of Web Code. It uses basic JavaScript, and can create experiences to be used in web browsers. This would be ideal for someone who has some background in coding or software development. 

  1. Amazon Sumerian: 

Amazon Sumerian is a managed service that lets you create and run 3D, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications. You can build immersive and interactive scenes that run on AR and VR, mobile devices, and your web browser. This also would be best suited for someone who has a background in web development code. 

  1. MetaVrse: 

MetaVrse is North America’s leading virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) consulting and product development firm. They have a very powerful rendering engine, and allow for WebXR development with no code, but they also have extensive JavaScript support if you know code and would like to utilize more customizable features. 

  1. Zap.Works: 

This is a Web AR development tool. They take into consideration what your background is, (i.e. designer, marketer, developer, educator, etc.) and they help you create an experience based on that. They have a whole toolkit that can be used to help you succeed in WebAR design, whether you’re starting in AR for fun, or using it for your business.  

  1. Oculus Browser: 

Most of the other tools I’ve mentioned are for AR development, while Oculus focuses on VR experiences. Oculus Browser is the built-in browser for Oculus Quest and Oculus Go devices, both VR hardware. Oculus Browser provides support for the latest web standards and other technologies to help you create VR experiences on the web. Any software developer familiar with JavaScript will be able to develop for Oculus. This is definitely the most challenging and involved software that I talked about so far, but Oculus by Facebook is at the forefront of development and it is worth checking out.  

In my experience, another challenge with diving into the world of immersive design is sourcing 3D models to use in your designs. If you are wanting to learn how to do it yourself, there are options for creating your own models using tools like Blender and Unity. However, there are many websites that offer free and purchasable 3D models. Some helpful websites that I have used recently are: 

  1. Free3D 
  2. Hum3D 
  3. Cgtrader 
  4. SketchFab 
  5. TurboSquid 

To be honest, this is just the very tip of the iceberg in the world of WebXR. There is a lot happening in WebXR development in a lot of corners of the tech world currently, but there is yet to be a standard software development kit (SDK) or open API access. However, becoming familiar with the inner-workings of this technology as it is on the rise will set you ahead as it becomes the standard in the XR universe. Happy developing!