Mondly recently ported their Virtual Reality (VR) language learning application to the Oculus Quest. Previously only available on mobile VR through Google Daydream, Samsung GearVR, and the Oculus Go, the transition to the Quest platform greatly expands its reach to consumers. 

Mondly VR supports over 29 different languages and teaches through VR by providing varied scenarios. Using speech recognition, users can respond to questions posed by the in-app chatbots or choose from a selection of pre-made messages and hints.  

Instead of traditional flashcards or learning applications, Mondly hopes that its immersive approach to learning can not only speed up the process but make it enjoyable. Mondly VR is available now on the Oculus store with SteamVR support also available for desktop VR. 

With the large-scale success of the Quest 2, it’s important for developers seeking to expand their user base to develop for the platform. As new engines such as Unreal Engine 5 support cross-platform APIs like OpenXR, it should be easier than ever to do so.