Snap Inc, owners of the popular messaging app Snapchat, recently unveiled its newest AR device, Spectacles. This is Snap Inc’s 4th generation device with the added ability to view AR content directly through the lenses. Previous devices allowed video capture and filters to be applied in post on your phone, but now users can directly view their creations on the glasses

Similar to other competitors in the market, such as Microsoft’s Hololens, the device is standalone, projecting AR content onto a screen on the lens. What makes this device special is its compact size, sitting at only 134 grams with a relatively standard sunglasses frame. 

Currently, it is only available to developers looking to develop for Snap Inc’s Lens Studio. This is Snap Inc’s AR ecosystem that plugs into other products such as Snapchat or Snap Camera for AR filters. 

This product is part of the steady increase in the pace of development for small compact AR and is adding to the excitement and anticipation for the next steps in the technology for both consumers and enterprise.