At a time when gyms are shut down and there is no real-world escape for a change of view, we can find respite in an app that offers both a virtual escape from the quarantine lifestyle, as well as a personal trainer; all while staying safely sequestered per the COVID-19 “Stay at Home” order. The timing for this app couldn’t have been better. With no real idea as to when gyms will reopen, or when it will be safe to travel again, or when life will simply go back to “normal”, we are forced to implement creative solutions that address our human needs so we can maintain a healthy mental state and physical well-being. Insert Supernatural and their brilliant Virtual Reality (VR) experience.
Supernatural began their journey to create an exciting, competitive, and engaging experience two years ago. Their progress is nothing short of amazing. I’ve tested many different virtual training and fitness apps in the past and nothing grabbed my attention more than Supernatural. The collective team of game developers, trainers, choreographers, and physical fitness experts are evident in the complexity behind the scenes, as well as the dynamic engagement you see once you put on the headset. The whole experience is well designed, from the beautiful landscapes that become your new “gym with no walls” (to satisfy the un-quarantine itch); to the upbeat music that pumps you up and helps to maintain a steady rhythm for striking, squatting, and lunging; to the personal trainer that helps keep you motivated and provides some guidance along the way.
When you initially install Supernatural, you will go through a quick calibration to help customize your workouts and tailor your movements to be more precise. Once you run through a demo of what to expect and how to properly engage in the experience you are welcome to select any workout you wish based on the duration, coach, or difficulty you desire. There are workouts that focus on the upper body, lower body, or both, and because you are utilizing the Oculus Quest, there are no cords attached so you can lunge, squat, spin, and swing away (just be sure there are no small children or pets around while you are in the “Matrix”; real life punches still hurt).

Depending on the workout you select or the coach you choose, you will be guided with instruction and motivation to get you through each workout. From real-world landscapes to fictitious realms; each session has multiple different landscapes that bring a whole new level of immersion and excitement.

One element that really makes the experience fun and helps you keep the correct rhythm, is the music. By swinging to the beat, it becomes more like a choreographed dance (versus a random swatting of movements), which in turn makes the overall experience even more hypnotic.

To take the engagement a step further, you can pair a smart device, such as a heart monitor or smart watch to help keep track of your progress and follow a more detailed, intelligent, and personalized workout that dynamically calibrates and responds to your body and the amount of effort you exert.

Now, for the only caveat… While the app is free to download and try for 30 days, there is a monthly membership fee ($19 USD) to continue using the app and gain access to the ever evolving library of workouts and virtual worlds. When you factor in the state we are in where we are unable to actually go to a gym and are required to “Stay at Home”, it becomes an easy purchase. Especially when they keep adding a new full-length workout each day with new music from top artists and interesting landscapes where you can virtually escape. However, when the gyms open back up and the real world continues, will this still be a popular choice for those who are no longer stuck at home? Only time will tell. Either way, if you have an Oculus Quest, this is one of my top rated apps that I highly recommend. Try it free for 30-days and see for yourself.
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