The web has been at the forefront of most new technology development; even most current TV is viewed via the web. Therefore, it is not surprising that the web will continue to be important in Extended Reality (XR) development.  WebXR allows VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) experiences to be delivered via ubiquitous modern web browsers versus requiring users to download specific mobile apps. WebXR, VR, and AR also allow compatibility within web development coding systems like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. There is much more accessibility to VR for the web with WebXR for developers. If a developer is not familiar with C# or C++ languages used to develop VR in Unity (a cross-platform VR and video game development software) they are now able to develop VR with a basic knowledge of web development. 

WebVR is a JavaScript API (application programming interface) that enables browsers to connect with VR devices. The issue with this API is that it leaves out the possibility of AR development, which is a large and important part of the umbrella of XR. WebXR is stepping in and filling in holes, allowing for both AR and VR experiences to be developed with web-based code. 

Facebook has been building WebXR into their platform for several years. 360 photos360 videos, and 3D photos are all examples of WebXR being used by millions of people daily. Facebook recently implemented a “save to VR” option within their app allowing users to save an immersive experience seen on their account to their mobile devices (phone or tablet) and then access the experience in a fully immersive way by logging back into their Facebook account via the Oculus VR headset.  This example illustrates that WebXR is becoming widely used and accepted more and more by everyday web users.

As this technology continues to progress and move into the next stages of development, some noticeable challenges are image and object tracking, persistent anchors, and shared experiences. Google, Apple, and Microsoft all offer SDK’s (software development kits) to create, store, and share persistent anchors but unfortunately, they are not standard or open for use by anyone. No one, not even startups, is standardizing these SDKs. This means there is no way to utilize them as the baseline for developers to build off allowing this technology to continue to grow in accessibility for use on all devices.  

“As this evolution plays out, will the web be able to remain sufficiently powerful, without succumbing to platform-specific extensions and platform divergence?” asks Blair MacIntyre, a principal research scientist at Mozilla. He continues, “I hope so, but I find myself worrying what the right balance will be.” Part of his concern stems from how the web will tackle the explosion of native capabilities.  

Moving forward, Jacob Rossi, Product Manager for Facebook shared that hardware such as AR glasses, which allow users to view images integrated into the real world around them, will become more popular as time progresses. The web will continue to play a crucial role in these experiences. Rossi also says, “Browsers across the industry will be removing support for WebVR as WebXR comes online.” It is a good idea for developers to start thinking ahead and migrating toward WebXR before WebVR becomes obsolete. 

WebXR is still in its early stages of development, but browsers and technology are updating to support it across all platforms. The future is rapidly becoming the present. As regular consumers begin using this technology, it will gain more traction in the business world. If web developers have the base knowledge to develop WebXR, easier, and more standard uses of this immersive technology to leverage in training, advertising, and overall engagement with customers will become more common. If more consumers want this technology, then more developers will transition into XR development, because they won’t have to learn entirely new software.  

Apps, hardware, and browsers commonly used daily will soon have VR and AR implemented right into them – and it’s coming sooner than many think.