VIAR was proud to announce their recent partnership with Kolektor this past Friday. Kolektor is fielding VIAR’s virtual knowledge solution, REWO, a multifaceted platform aimed at creating immersive, specialized training experiences

REWO’s tablet mode. Source: REWO.

“In the company Kolektor, we always try to use innovative approaches to increase production capacities,” said Mateja Lavric, Managing Director at Kolektor Ventures d.o.o. “We invest a lot in people, their knowledge, and also in the use of new technologies, since in this way we improve processes, achieve greater efficiency, and also improve product quality.”

Kolektor is a specialty manufacturing conglomerate working in automotive, industrial energy, and automation sectors, among others. With REWO, companies like Kolektor are able to build in-house training simulations as 360 virtual reality experiences. Kolektor experienced how  immersive training can transition new hires into the workplace faster and more efficiently by using VR to create visceral, impactful training scenarios.

REWO goes beyond just training – those new hires are supported in the field by REWO Guides, which displays step-by-step guides beside the corresponding work space in augmented reality. REWO Guides can be easily and quickly created by experts on the fly, then added directly to the workflow.

“During the first contacts with the REWO platform, we became aware that we are in the possession of a technology that will significantly speed up the transfer and archiving of our employees’ knowledge,” said Matej Jurman, Project Manager at Kolektor.

Kolektor technician using REWO through AR glasses. Source: REWO.

Then, a seamless culmination of the platform’s capabilities, VIAR’s REWO Remote toolkit allows experts to connect directly with field technicians. REWO Remote allows field techs for specialty groups like Kolektor to interface with technical experts, who can receive and share photo and video information live from the workplace and respond immediately with notes, drawings, or videos addressing solutions.

“REWO is like a virtual mentor. I am rapidly acquainted with our best working practices,” said Jozef Horvat, a machine operator at Kolektor. “The REWO platform enables me to effectively obtain and transfer knowledge within our working environment. Also, I can easily and immediately call my superior for additional remote assistance.”

By being easy to use and platform agnostic, REWO’s greatest strength is accessibility. There’s no special expertise necessary to navigate or manipulate the REWO platform. Better, faster, and smarter workers are every company’s dream. With REWO, Kolektor is using XR to bring that dream one step closer to reality.


Kolektor partners with VIAR to enhance the workplace