Space Explorers, a VR documentary series by Felix and Paul Studios, documents the life of ISS astronauts and was created exclusively for VR headsets. With their upcoming episode to release in January 2022, they plan to showcase the footage they acquired from outside the ISS in the vastness of space.
To date, this is the largest production ever to be filmed in space. Using what they dub “Outer Space Camera”, they reinforced the Z CAM V1 Pro camera they used for filming inside the ISS with custom lenses to survive the harsh light and heat from the sun. It was then strapped to a “Space Crane” where it took over 15 hours of footage of space, all in 3D 360 view. The 3D 360 capture is important because instead of a flat 2D image of a traditional video or 360 capture, the depth information of the 3D capture can be displayed inside headsets for a more immersive experience.
Episode four featuring this footage is expected to release in January 2022 with Episode three releasing sometime this year. Episodes one and two are currently available for Oculus headsets for $2.99 each.