Based on the Neil Gaiman story of the same name, Fable Studio, in partnership with Oculus, brings “Wolves in the Walls” virtual reality (VR) experience aims to provide audiences with a unique experience through Lucy, a character that Fable calls a “virtual being” – otherwise known as an emotionally-powered artificial intelligence.

“These subtle things are foundational of an AI system that has to maintain the illusion constantly,” said Pete Billington, director of Wolves in the Walls, in a report from Engadget. “The problem with [Amazon’s] Alexa is we see the edges [of her intelligence] all the time…it’s important from an emotionally important standpoint, you never want to see the edges, we don’t want her to seem like she’s in a loop or some sort of robotic mode.”

In development for some time, the second of three episodes was premiered at Tribeca Film Festival back in April. The experience aims to provide an emotionally-drive story experience, with the user given life through Lucy’s imagination and prompted to explore the world she lives in through her eyes.

“Memory is the core concept for us in Wolves [in the Walls] so that everything you do is remembered,” said Edward Saatchi, co-founder and executive producer at Fable. “We don’t want Lucy to become a horrifying person from what you do, she has her own journey and her own life and her own story, but she will remember. We’re focused on what we call an ’emotional POV’ almost like you’re wearing Lucy glasses.”

Though the final experience does not have a release date, it’s likely safe to say that it’ll be coming to Oculus’ family of products given Fable’s relationship with the company.