Erica Schaffel, VP of Sales at Pixo VR, shows off the HP Z Virtual Reality backpack and discusses its applications to the XR field at VRX Immersive Enterprise 2018. The following is a transcript of our interview with her.

3E: So tell us a little about yourself, Pixo VR, and what you’re here to present.

ES: My name is Erica Schaffel, I am the VP of Sales for Pixo VR. We are here with HP showing the HP Z Virtual Reality Backpack, and our subscribable virtual reality content. We really started with enterprise in mind. For the past three years, we worked on building a platform – it has a content distribution system with user authentication, user management, rich back-end data reporting, and it has a really rich feature set as well. Things like multi-participant and the randomization engine.

3E: Cool! What makes your platform unique compared to other offerings on the market?

ES: So now that we have the platform built, we are starting to build subscribable content. One of the things that we’ve really learned over the past three years is a lot of people need a lot of the same type of training. Sure, it has to be customized a little bit from customer to customer, but there’s a lot of core things that are the same across the board. Our goal is to be able to provide affordable, scalable virtual reality to enterprise, and that’s what we’re doing.

3E: What projects have you applied your platform towards, and what have they accomplished?

ES: So one example of our subscribable VR content is our OSHA General Industry Safety Compliance Training, and one of the things that’s most exciting to us about it is the different ways that different companies are using it. So, we have a company who’s using it to assess potential new employees, to gauge whether or not they are really able to be aware of their environment. We have people who use it for refresher training for people who have been trained in OSHA 10, OSHA 30. And we even have a training center who is using it as their assessment at the end of their OSHA 10 and 30 classes.