Enterprise markets could all be transformed with the use of Virtual Reality. However, the technology has not caught on as quickly as expected, partly due to lack of image quality. Virtual Reality company Varjo is bringing the first human eye resolution VR headset product to the market at the end of the year. The headsets are designed for professional use by automotive engineers, architects, filmmakers, pilots and even surgeons – which is why mimicking the human eye is so important.

The companies that bring new products to the market should consider implementing VR solutions into their operations. The faster you can iterate from an idea to a product, the more successful you will be.

We’re super passionate about VR, and we are doing what we are doing because we believe the next big revolution in computing will come from VR and mixed reality. To jump start this revolution, we need to make a market-defining product for the professional market with no compromises.

The value of training and education, via VR, should be emphasised. With virtual you can do much more training scenarios, much faster. And now, with our eye tracking capability as well you are able to validate automatically as part of the training session. Training is much more efficient this way. In the aerospace industry, for example, the simulators for aeroplanes cost easily more than $10 million, and each hour in those costs multiple thousands. The increasing cost means pilots don’t get enough time in these simulators, but once you go to the virtual the problem goes away with a completely different cost structure.

The cost saving opportunity brought by VR will be immense. Via information-age.com