Mozilla is debuting “Hubs by Mozilla” which is an immersive social virtual reality (VR) experience that is delivered through just your internet browser. This is an exciting feature, as it will support every type of headset – which is a pretty big deal. Currently, the majority of VR experiences are built for a particular headset by the developer. No VR headset? Not a problem! Simply use your web browser or mobile phone. Hubs lets your avatar hang out with others in a chat room you set up. You can communicate by voice once you let your browser access your microphone.

When we announced Firefox Reality earlier this month, we reinforced our stance that the web provides the best future for virtual and augmented reality (or “Mixed Reality”). This technology is at tipping point. If we want to continue to bring immersive experiences into the mainstream, we need to be laser focused on removing friction for the user. The technology needs to step out of the way, and the experiences need to take center stage.

With Hubs, you can create a room with a single click. You can then share and access that room with a URL. No app store. No gatekeepers. No installation process. Just click and you are there.  The experience that is available today is an experiment, but the technology that powers it can be extended in exciting ways. In the coming months we will continue to release new tools and features, as we learn together through use and iteration. This includes kits to create your own custom spaces, powerful avatar and identity options, integrations with existing communications tools, and more.

Here at Th3rdEyeXR, the team plans to play with it and provide feedback so Mozilla can continue to upgrade the product. Currently the graphics are not awe-inspiring and the amount of users is low… however, we see the potential for an amazing online collaboration that can make connections more true to life. Mozilla is leading the way in using this technology in an intelligent way. Think about team or client meetings with members who are global… Do you see yourself using social VR in the future? How about now! You can try it out right here. If you do, let us know what you think down in the comments below!

Source: Enabling Social Experiences Using Mixed Reality and the Open Web – The Mozilla Blog