Looking to implement Virtual Reality (VR) into your training, but need to prove that you can extract analytics from the experience? Good news! VR is now at the stage where it’s possible, and the folks at ReadWrite have listed some possibilities.

The following 3 points help to make a strong case for the use of VR in your next corporate training program, provided an immersive experience makes sense and aligns with your learning objectives:

  1. VR analytics can provide you with statistics of the trends and outliers that you weren’t aware of but should be; as well as provide real value in understanding your audience’s preferences and behavior.
  2. Virtual reality provides the opportunity for an experience totally void of distraction, letting the user naturally engage with the experience. Use the world’s newfound enthusiasm and curiosity for VR to your advantage.
  3. Virtual reality users generate data regardless of whether or not you take action — it’s a matter of collecting and sorting the data. For the first time, the combination of the user’s physical behavior and their physical interaction from the VR headset actively tells you what people are engaging with — you just have to listen.

The biggest takeaway is that the user experience is key. Understanding the sensory value of a user’s experience is essential in order to replicate it. What’s keeping your users engaged when they’re locked in your story in virtual reality? Knowing what led to their joy, frights, and excitement is essential in optimizing how users get to the “Wow!” moment. Those “Wow!” moments is what will increase engagement and retention.

Let us know in the comments how you could see VR fitting into your training program!

Click here to read the full article at ReadWrite.