Announced on a post on Oculus’ Developer Blog, the fourth annual Oculus Launch Pad, a program designed to build a diverse VR developer ecosystem, will be accepting applications until August 23rd, 2019. The two-day boot camp will kick off on Sunday, September 22nd, 2019 in San Jose, California.

“The Launch Pad program was designed to empower developers and creators from diverse backgrounds, ensuring they have the knowledge, tools, and connections to be successful,” says the blog post. “Throughout the program, participants receive development and business focused education, 1:1 support and a number of other resources that will elevate their technical skills and understanding of the industry, and we’re excited to kick off the Launch Pad 2019 application phase.”

The overview of the full Oculus Launch Pad timeline, starting with Phase 1, the Boot Camp, then Phase 2, the 3 Month Live Developer Education, Phase 3, the Demo Reveal, and then Phase 4, where Grant Winners are announced. Image courtesy of Oculus.
The overview of the full Oculus Launch Pad timeline. Image courtesy of Oculus.

Oculus claims that up to 100 professionals will be in attendance and that Launch Pad will lead into Oculus Connect 6 on September 25th and 26th this year, which is free for participants to attend. Travel, living, and meal costs will be covered by Oculus for participants. During Phase 02’s 3 Month Live Developer Education, participants can demonstrate their creations at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park and receive feedback and guidance on next steps. Launch Pad candidates can also apply for a competitive scholarship ranging form $5,000 to $50,000 USD. Interested developers can apply for this year’s Launch Pad on Oculus’ Developer website.

Oculus’ move towards diversifying the XR industry joins other initiatives happening within this field, such as Th3rdEyeXR Insider Christopher Lafayette’s company The Armada’s mission to introduce underrepresented talent into Silicon Valley.