Coverage of VRX Immersive Enterprise 2018

This year’s VRX Immersive Enterprise in Boston brought together some of the brightest and the best across the Extended Reality (XR) industry, with content providers, immersive tech developers, enterprise end-users, and more gathering to discuss the future of our field. Topics on panels and between colleagues ranged from everything to real-world enterprise applications to use-cases to tangible ROI. We at Th3rdEyeXR were in attendance (along with our parent company Th3rd Coast Media Solutions), covering announcements and reveals while chatting with developers, managers, investors to learn any and all insights that they had to share.

Stay posted to this article for a complete rundown on all things VRX Immersive Enterprise 2018!


VRgineers Unveil XTAL, A High-Resolution Head Mounted Display Built for the Professional Workspace

Plexus Immersive Corp Introduces Consumer-Side Haptic Glove Developer Kit

360/VR Experience

For anyone who couldn’t make it out to Boston this year, worry not – we’re working behind the scenes to build a full 360/VR experience mapping out the entire show floor. Representatives from each booth provided information about their offerings and thoughts about the XR industry. Expect a link to the full experience soon!

Immersive Tech Leader Interviews

As part of our 360/VR Experience, we interviewed key leaders in the XR space to show off their offerings and give their thoughts about the future of the field. Keep an eye for the list of our interviews as they go live!